Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Josh's Adventures at Coca Cola

Today was Josh's first day as Coca Cola Enterprises' newest merchandiser. We were both so excited when we got word last Wednesday that today would be his first day. He left the house this morning in his business casual wear and fresh new haircut (cut by me) looking pretty terrific. He had a fun filled day of paper work more paper work and training videos... not so eventful but you gotta start somewhere. Tomorrow he heads out into our neighborhood  Kroger to be trained "in the field." We went shopping tonight at good 'ole Wally World for the always fashionable steel toed boots. Our shopping trip was a success and Josh's toes will be safe from 2 liters and 24 packs for tomorrows training adventure. The Lord really blessed us with a good friend that was able to help get Josh's foot in the door, and now I am confident Josh's hard work will speak for itself. As for me, I've become quite spoiled over most of the last year. With Josh's past job being on an as needed basis I was able to talk or text him as often as I liked... this is not the same situation. However, I am not complaining I am just stating that this wife missed her husband for a good portion of the day. Another plus to Josh's new job is that his shift is 6am- 3pm so once the baby is here Josh will be able to spend the afternoons with us!

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