We had our appointment with the specialist this morning to check the progress of our sweet girl and check the status of my cervix... and we got great news! The baby is getting big and all of her organs are looking like they are developing well. They were also pleased that she is so active- and believe me she doesn't just turn it on for the camera, this little girl never sleeps! But I am so grateful to feel her moving so often. Maybe even more encouraging was the news the dr gave us about my body. My cervix is still over 4 centimeters and closed on both ends, even with the pressure of the baby moving against is. She shared with us today that because I am 22 weeks and the cervix is still such a great length, I now have LESS THAN a 5% chance of early labor (up to 28 weeks)!!! Josh and I were both relieved to hear this and I may get some sleep tonight! We are continuing to pray that the Lord sees fit to keep our little girl inside me for a while longer and we are so thankful for his faithfulness up to this point. Here are a few pictures of our sweet and somewhat cooperative little girl today...
Thank you for your continued prayers!
Praise God! What a relief to hear less than 5%!!! YEA! Sooo glad to hear that amazing news!