Thursday, April 4, 2013

Spoke a little too soon...

After a week on bedrest and 2 trips to labor and delivery our bean is still tucked inside and growing like a weed. We were rejoicing yesterday over a great report from the doctor. After looking at the baby he was extremely pleased with growth and development as the baby was measuring about a week and a half big. My cervix was measured at 4 cm, which was even longer than what it has been early on during this pregnancy. So the doctor lifted ALL restrictions and said to go on with life like normal. So that's exactly what we did. Mom, Charlee and I took a celebratory trip to Walmart- walking! Later it was decided that I would go with Josh to the Reds vs Angels game that he already had tickets for. Despite the cold we enjoyed seeing the Angels play and spending a little time with one another. We returned home late and headed for bead... Around 3am I woke Josh. I was having intense contractions that were so similar to what I experienced with the twins. Josh called my mom and we headed into L & D to see what was happening. After 3 hours on the monitor and a cervical length ultra sound they determined that my cervix was soft but closed and long and I was in fact having consistent contractions. The doctor released me around 6 this morning but I was sent home in a wheelchair and told to stay there. So it's back to bedrest I go in hopes that my body calms down to keep our bean in there a little longer. We so appreciate your continued prayers for all 4 of us. Charlee is learning quickly that "Momma's belly is hurting" and I can't pick her up. It's probably been a harder transition for me than for her. We are so thankful for the tremendous help my mom has been. From being my hands and feet to waking in the middle of the night to keep an ear out for Charlee. We could not be more thankful for her help. And lastly- I am personally so thankful for Josh. The Lord has been so kind to give me a husband with such a patient and loving heart. On top of working he has sat through hours of contraction monitoring and discomfort. During those times he has kissed my head and prayed that The Lord would calm my body and bring peace to my mind and of course keep our precious baby safe. I am beyond blessed to be Mrs. Josh Mathews- and that doesn't even scratch the surface on what a wonderful daddy he is. Thank you for reading- and thank you in advance for your prayers.

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