Wednesday, February 2, 2011

14 weeks 4 days

There's our little sasquatch! Everything is still looking great! The doctor was able to visualize all the brain, heart and other vital organs and was very pleased with baby Mathews' development. The question of whether Baby Mathews is a boy or girl will not be answered for another two weeks... no girl parts or boy parts are differentiated yet. One thing I am certain of is that this is one active little person. As you may have noticed the ultra sound is somewhat of a blur because the doctor had to snap fast as the baby was rolling over and over. I am now certain that the fluttering I have been feeling is absolutely my sweet baby! Our next adventure as a married couple will be as Josh learns how to give me progesterone injections weekly in my hip! We should have some interesting stories to share as soon as those begin. If you are reading this I am so grateful for your interest and prayers for our sweet baby.