Friday morning I woke up around 3:45am with some stomach pain and back pain. Of course I woke Josh up and we laid in bed watching an episode of The Andy Griffith Show while he tried to convince me that the baby was not trying to come out. By about lunch time I was still feeling anxious because my back pain continued and I started feeling more pressure in my lowerr abdomen. My mom recommended I call the dr and they quickly got back to me with the recommendation that I head to the hospital. So as anyone who knows me can imagine, I walked into the hospital determined not to cry but upon being told to head up to labor and delivery I promptly fell apart. The nurses in L & D triage were truly a blessing that afternoon... they completely understood my fears and ushered me straight into a room. They quickly hooked me to a monitor to monitor for contractions... GOOD SIGN #1- no contractions! They called my primary care OB and she ordered an internal ultrasound to measure my cervical length. (At this point Josh is becoming well versed in OB vocabulary and norms as well as now having a practice run (#1) for when the baby comes.) So... we got in the ultrasound room and they checked my cervical length and it was 4.1-4.2, which is great! What we did discover is that in a few short hours our little girl completely rotated around (to a standing position) and rolled to the other side. My back pain was from pressure on my bladder where her foot was stomping on me. Let the record be set that I am not complaining about the absolutely normal pregnancy pain, I was merely alarmed at what I was feeling. Here's a little pic from our visit...
A little sidenote- for those of you reading who attend FBC Ellisville, my nurse in the L&D resembled Debbie Mace... even her voice sounded like her. So as we left and she hugged me goodbye we explained to her that it was like seeing a familiar face. Her name was Becky and she said to request her when we returned, Josh's response, "Ok, well we'll see you in a couple weeks."
On Saturday Clark, Lyric, Josh and I packed up and headed to Cincinnati to "look at the Fishies!" We visited the Newport Aquarium for something different to do on a Saturday. Here are a few pictures from our day...
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